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BOTMC Spring Situation 
March 1-
3, 2024

A Berkeley Weekend with The Canote Twins!

about Greg & Jere CA

Fri. March 1 


SUN. March 3      Film
(free community screening)


Friday March 1, 2024:       Concert      8:00 pm  SOLD OUT!!
The Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar St, Berkeley CA
Note change of venue
Sliding scale $20-$30. 



Saturday March 2, 2024:      Square Dance    8pm - 10:30pm

Music by Greg & Jere Canote and friends, calling by Larry Edelman

Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley CA
Sponsored by BACDS

TICKETS (available at the door only)
$25 supporters,
$20 non-members,
$15 members (BACDS, NBCDS, or other CDSS affiliates)
$6 studen
ts or low-income, or pay what you can

See this page for d
etails and directions to the hall.


Sunday March 3, 2024:        Film           1:00 pm

FREE Community Screening, followed by Q&A with the filmmaker and the twins

Please join Greg and Jere in celebrating the release of The Canote Twins documentary.

Freight & Salvage 2020 Addison St Berkeley CA

Reservations are now open at the Freight website
(reservations suggested but not required)

Hear Greg, Jere & Larry interviewed about the film on the Get Up in the Cool podcast.


Check out The Canote Twins film website for trailers and other information about the film.

THE CANOTE TWINS, a film by Larry Edelman, is the story of Greg and Jere Canote, identical twins who have been playing music together for most of their 70-plus years. And not just any old music, but simply amazing, genetically-matched singing and musicianship. They quickly bring to mind the rich tradition of singing brother duets, evoking such seminal duos as the Blue Sky Boys, the Delmore Brothers, and the Everly Brothers. And they take it up a notch, because they’re not merely brothers, but identical twins. And as one reviewer observed, “They’re really ‘twinny’ twins.” Their delightful repertoire spans Americana and includes early country music, quirky novelty songs, swing classics, and rare fiddle tunes, all uniquely interpreted through their positive world view. They’ve shared their music for more than half a century, teaching and performing at countless festivals and workshops, and on radio and television. But their exceptional music is only part of the story. Greg and Jere have another unique characteristic – they are two of the happiest people you will ever meet. And their happiness is downright contagious. When people find themselves in close proximity to the twins, they also find themselves feeling more joyful. This documentary spans their lifetime, right up to the present day. You’ll appreciate their musical inspirations and tap into the secrets of their happiness. Singlers will better understand the mystical closeness of identical twins. And after it’s over, you’ll feel a little more joyful, a bit happier. And can’t we all use a little bit more of that? 

Voted Audience Favorite Feature Documentary at the West Sound Film Festival!


Recent reviews from audience members:

- This is the absolute funniest, most touching documentary on the planet!
- IMHO it was the most fascinating, uplifting, hilarious, whimsical and deeply moving documentary ever!
- My heart is so full right now, yet oddly it feels so much lighter than it did this morning.

The film will be followed by Q&A with Larry, Greg & Jere.

Send us a message by completing this form:

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OUR FUNDERS:  We greatly appreciate the generous support of Sage Foundation, Berkeley Civic Arts Commission; Sam Britton; Alameda County Art Commission; and Bill Graham Memorial Foundation. 

Thanks also to our nonprofit sponsors:   Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center, KPFA-FM
, and the California Bluegrass Association


Extra-special thanks to our Valiant Volunteer Coordinator, Lael Sigal, and of course to all our volunteers – they make the BOTMC possible!


© 2024 Berkeley Old Time Music Convention

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